Sunday, December 15, 2013

Final Blog Post

As I look back on the blogging project, I am very glad that I chose to pick a more serious topic.  I debated back and forth on whether or not to pick something that I thought others would judge me on.  I came to my conclusion because I felt that, since this topic is so intriguing to me, it would be more interesting for me to write about.  Obviously it's kind of a risk that I chose to pick something that's kind of personal to me, but since most people already know about it, I thought I would do my best to clear up what seemed inexplicable. I also was happy to finally do some research on it, as Randolph does not usually like me to have time to do things I would like to do. Learning more about why I space out so much helped me find some ways to not do it as often.  I don't mind it except when it happens at a time when I need to be paying attention to a task at hand.  Keeping busy and finding things to garner my attention will be steps I will take to getting past my problem.  As far as oversleeping, the earlier I try to go to bed, the earlier I will eventually fall asleep.  I really should try and get to bed earlier than I do, although that would really cut into my nightly Xbox time...  I really enjoyed the comments, and it was nice to see what other people thought and that daydreaming wasn't as uncommon as I thought at first.  I was really just glad to see that people understood what I was talking about and wouldn't think I was just depressed or a complete weirdo.  I'm happy that I got to talk about something interesting to me, and it made this assignment a bit less painless than most school assignments.  From this assignment I have learned more about myself as a person and first and foremost learned that there are certain things about myself that I will have to accept.  One of the hardest things in life for me to accept is the fact that I don't have control over everything and some things I will not be able to find answers for.  Sometimes I think that the nihilists may have a point to some extent.  I won't lose so much sleep over things that I wrack my brain over if I can just learn to accept some things as they are.  The Serenity Prayer carries a lot of truth with it and it is something that I think will help me through my life as I continue to try and overthink life's most frustrating questions.  Life will give me many ups and downs and while I will strive to learn from every mistake to be the best person that I can be, I have to learn that some things simply will never be understood and I will have to move on with my life.

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things that I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference."


  1. I'm glad you took a risk as well and that you found this process rewarding. It gave you and us greater understanding of you and your personality type!

  2. Nick this is seriously great. It was funny and serious at the same time. It was very well put too. I feel like I know more about you now after reading this
